We sat down with our Director of Quantitative Analysis, Dov Chelst, to learn more about a CPSM resource to compare police department responses across the nation. Tell me about this resource – who is it designed for? “When we talk with clients, they’ll typically ask how they compare to other law enforcement agencies. While there…
Tag Archives | police reform
Law enforcement recruiting difficulties call for new and creative approaches
by: Buffalo News Editorial Board “We still wear the white hat,” said Erie County District Attorney John Flynn in a recent News report on law enforcement personnel shortages. Flynn, in common with many other leaders in criminal justice agencies across the U.S., is pushing against the stigma that clings to law enforcement after the 2020…
Brookings, SD Police Department announces organizational restructuring
Recently the City of Brookings, South Dakota commissioned the Center for Public Safety Management, LLC. (CPSM), a subsidiary of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) to conduct a study and review operations at the Brookings Police Department. The consultant’s analysis evaluated all aspects of the department’s operations with focus on staffing, workload, community demographics, crime…
Scofflaws cripple Medford police efforts to combat crime
Chronic offenders who fail to show up in court, and lack of jail space, undermine the ability of Medford police to fight crime, study says The ability of Medford police to combat crime has been undermined by chronic offenders who fail to respond to citations or court dates, a study has found. The Washington, D.C.-based…
Hidden Costs: How Police Reform Could Change the Shape of Other Public Safety Agencies
By Matt Zavadasky Senior Associate, CPSM Chief Strategic Integration Officer, MedStar Mobile Healthcare 2020 presented a number of new challenges to the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) world, pushing paramedic and fire services to overhaul many longstanding practices. With every day delivering new findings on COVID-19 and how it may impact communities, chiefs; union officials; city…
FREE WEBINAR: Transforming Law Enforcement to Address Public Health
Equity and Inclusion/Social Justice: ICMA Community Conversations
Marchers in the street are demanding that communities re-evaluate what is being spent on policing. Are there better alternatives?
Let’s start with the roadmaps that are out there. National law enforcement experts will discuss the 21st Century Policing report prepared by The President’s Task Force in May 2015. They will look at the history which led up to the report and cover highlights that remain applicable today.
But for communities that want to look at reforming, improving, or “defunding” police in various tasks – they”ll also discuss how go about it, i.e, reallocating some police resources to bring in social workers, EMS responders, mental health specialists, and other professionals able to respond to emergency calls.
Tom Wieczorek, Director, Center for Public Safety Management (CPSM)
Matt Fulton, Vice President, POLCO, National Citizen Survey/National Research Center
Deputy Chief Wayne Hiltz, B.S., former Interim Chief of Police, Pasadena and Irwindale Police Department, California
Chief Demosthenes M. Long, ED.D, J.D., M.A., Associate, Center for Public Safety Management (CPSM)
Leonard Matarese, Director, Research and Development, Center for Public Safety Management (CPSM)
Chief John E. Perez, Chief of Police, City of Pasadena, California
Matt Zavadsky, President, National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)
FREE WEBINAR: New Executive Order on Law Enforcement
Equity and Inclusion: ICMA Community Conversations
National experts explain the implications of President Trump’s New Executive Order on Law Enforcement and how it relates to local government police reform efforts.
Moderator: Thomas Wieczoreck, Director, Center for Public Safety Management, LLC, Retired City Manager Ionia, Michigan; former Executive Director Center for Public Safety Excellence
- Craig Hartley, Executive Director, Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA)
- Margo Frasier, Vice President, National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement; former elected sheriff of Travis County, Texas, former police monitor, City of Austin, Texas